Get Your Flag Airborne with Concord Flagpoles

Airborne is an authorized dealer of Concord American Flagpole for Central and South Texas selling commercial and residential flagpoles manufactured in the United States.

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Get Your Flag Airborne with Concord Flagpoles

Airborne is an authorized dealer of Concord American Flagpole for Central and South Texas selling commercial and residential flagpoles manufactured in the United States.

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Concord American Flagpoles

Concord's flagpole shafts are a seamless 6063-T6 aluminum with tensile strength not less than 30,000psi and a yield point of 25,000psi. Shafts in excess of 35'exposed height are shipped as one piece or multiple piece units, then field-assembled with a self aligning internal sleeve assembly (patent pending). All ofConcord industries, Inc. flagpoles are polished to Deep Luster Finish, creating an elegant soft sheen. Other architectural finishes such as powdercoat, clearanodized and Duranodic bronze are available.



The external halyard system utilizes the traditional method for raisingand lowering flags. Standard fittings include a spun aluminum ball, aheavy cast aluminum revolving truck assembly with a single aluminumsheave, stainless steel snaphooks, cast aluminum cleat, spunaluminum collar, and ground sleeve assembly.

Many upgrades include double halyard system, cast collars, heavyduty truck assemblies, cast aluminum Ball/Truck assemblies and cleatcovers are available.

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Estate Economy

These flagpoles are manufactured to the same high standards with the same shaftmaterial and processes as the larger Continental line of architecturally designedflagpoles. Estate flagpoles are gracefully tapered with scaled down proportionsperfect for home, apartment, or small businesses. Standard fittings include: a goldanodized spun aluminum ball, cast aluminum, single sheave stationary truckassembly, cast aluminum cleat, halyard with stainless steel snaphooks and PVCground setting tube.

Upgrades include spun or cast aluminum collars, stationary cast aluminumBall/Truck assemblies, revolving truck assembly and more. Estate shafts areavailable in single or multiple sections all for economic shipping alternatives.

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Internal halyard flagpoles provide the best solution to the problem ofvandalism. The heart of the system is a custom stainless steelgearless winch, first introduced by Concord industries. The winch ismounted on a patented rotating platform for ease of maintenance andoperation. A heavy cast door frame is precision welded inside theshaft opening for strength.

The truck assembly rotates on heavy duty sealed bearings. The cableassemblies are constructed on stainless steel components. Upgradesfor this model include cast aluminum Ball/Truck assemblies and castcollars.

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Sentry flagpoles, developed by Concord American replace thestainless steel cable and winch assemblies with a less expensiveinternal rope and cam cleat mechanism. Eight stainless steel boltspass through a cast door frame assembly and the flagpole shaft,threading into thick dual inner reinforcement plates.

This patented concept adds additional important strength to theflagpole when the door is used. A revolving truck is standard.Heavy duty revolving trucks and Concords popular Cast Aluminumball/truck assembly - both with dual sealed bearing assemblies areavailable as economical options.

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Get our full product brochure and exact size requirements for each Concord Flagpole Series.