About us

Airborne is San Antonio & Austin's premier flag and flagpole installation provider

Serving San Antonio, Austin,  and nearby communities for over 30 years, we are a trusted, full service company providing flags, flagpoles, flagpole installation and repairs. We carry a full line of quality flags in various sizes and fabrics at competitive prices. One of our specialties is creating custom logo flags that stand out with your image. We can provide free estimates and recommendations to help you attract customers and show your patriotism. Airborne is a diversified , self performing company in that we can also provide hole drilling and light pole erection for electrical contractors.

Airborne Flag is fully insured and committed to providing high quality services at competitive prices with expert installation, in a professional and timely manner. 

Rocky White, Owner

Rocky owns and operates this family business in the city known for The Alamo-San Antonio. Airborne was established in 1987 as a home-based family business that through the years has evolved into one of the most reputable and trusted entities in the custom flag, outdoor flag and residential and commercial flagpole industry. In the spirit of continual patriotism, we also honor Rocky's father who served in the Korean War and was a recipient of the Purple Heart.

Rocky White on a Flagpole

Lisa White, Owner

Lisa joined the family business in 2007 and brings with her 30+ years of outside sales experience. She has shadowed Rocky in every aspect of the company and eventually took over the  duties and  responsibilities of the business.  Together, Rocky and Lisa make sound decisions to grow the business and to serve our customers well. She is a graduate of Oliver Wendell  Holmes High School and a member of GSABA, NFIB, just to name a few organizations.  She enjoys spending time with family, grandchildren, friends and reading God's word the Bible.  Lisa prides herself with the opportunity to serve God and Country and all that the American Flag represents. 

Lisa believes our country was founded on Godly principles that we continue to support and protect.  

Lisa White, Airborne Flag Owner